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Invisible Countdown

Are Jews in Germany free to oppose the horrible Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, or are they pressured to support Israel even if they disagree? Amir struggles to deal with the way he is seen and met as a peace-loving Jew in Germany.

Invisible Countdown is a short film about invisible topics and a personal story of Amir as he struggles to deal with the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza while living in Germany.

Is it possible to be a peace-loving Jew in Germany during the times of war? Or, do all Jews in Germany must support Israel?


Counting down from 24-fps to 0-fps, the film presents a unique audio-visual concept of infrared cinematography and noise-canceling headphones.

Poster 1 A4 with Interfilm - small.jpg

For a private screener, press inquiries

and others please contact:

Amir Ovadia Steklov


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